The name of this dog is Krym. It means Crimea. He received the name because he was born in that peninsula.

There were a woman with two children in the Ikrainian city of Dnipro (or Dnepropetrovsk on out-of-date maps). Her husband was far away, a soldier somewhere on the battle line.

To save the children from the risk of Russiam bombing, the woman decided to move from the city center to the private house of her mother in a suburb. She believed it was a less dangerous place.

In the night September 29-30 2022, when everyone was asleep, a missile fell onto the house and completely destroyed it. Everybody in the house died at the moment: grandma Alla, mother Natalia, children Ivan and Vasilissa. And a little doggy Jack with them.

Krym, 12 years old already, probably lived there in the courtyard. Thus he survived. He was seriously contused, he went deaf and blind.

Next day, somebody saw him sitting on the ruines and crying. People took him to veterinary where Krym was cared about.


November 12 his heart stopped beating. And this painting was created (by Ivan Khozyaykin).


The whole story is as Ukrainian media said... It seems truth.



Another dog was on the opposite front-side. His name is Ice.

Instead serving in order, he wanted to have a walk on the battle field, so he found an Ukrainan mine. Doctors saved his life, but only three paws. Is he alive at the moment you are reading this, who knows.



And the worlwide famous racoon Herson. He was liberated (or stolen, depending of your point-of-view) from the zoo of Herson-city when the Russian army retreated from there (leaving the city, not only zoo). So those Russian paratroopers named him Herson or just Hersy. He became the mascot of the regiment.


Also, is he alive now? The war fortune is uncertain.

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